Rotary Dinner in Support of PEKA Orphanage

About the Peka Project and the Dinner on Saturday, February 10, 2024

Lesotho is a very poor country completely surrounded by South Africa. Because of devastating HIV there are many orphans in the country. A member of Bowen Rotary has visited the Beautiful Gate Orphanage and discovered that it is well-run and provides a secure and caring facility for very young children. In order to develop a facility for children older than six years, Beautiful Gate has acquired land in Northern Lesotho and is now raising money for this new project called PEKA. Last year, Bowen Rotary supported the construction of fencing and a guard house. Now, additional land has been acquired and the site campus has been designed. There is so much to be done. At this site there will be housing for children from 6 – 18, and a developmental program for children with special needs. Peka will provide the means to give the adopted children of Lesotho a chance at a successful, healthy, and happy life — and a way for them to help re-invest and build their country.

The Valentine’s Day Dinner — Saturday Feb. 10

Please join us for a festive Mexican Valentine’s Dinner on Saturday Feb. 10th. This project is led by Rotarian, Carmen Dives, and she is promising an authentic Mexican dish. Live music is provided by The Howe Sounds (Matthew Harrison & Peter Perkin). Of course there will be lots of margaritas and other bebidas — the first one is provided free! We want people to enjoy their bibidas, so the The Margarita Mobile will be available for a safe ride home (donations accepted). There will be a silent auction — please bring your cheque book so you can take home some bargains. If you have questions or problems, please contact Carmen at 604.802.8267. The fun starts at 6PM at THE TUNSTALL BAY CLUBHOUSE. Click for map <<.